Islamic Relief USA's principal office, which is located in Alexandria, VA, held its 2nd Annual iftar at The Afghan Restaurant in Virginia. The evening began with introductions and networking with Islamic Relief USA's staff , partner organizations, local imams and leaders of Islamic organizations.
Among the guests in attendance were Max Finberg , Director of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives of USDA; Dalia Mogahed, Advisor to President Obama's Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Council; Jannah Scott from the Department of Homeland Security; Sam Worthington, President of InterAction; Manal Omar from the US Institute for Peace; Muhammad Mudassir Tipu, Counselor of The Embassy of Pakistan; Henry Cole, Co-Founder of MedPharm; Imam Magid (Mohamed Hagmagid Ali), Vice President of ISNA; and a few members of the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association (CMSA). Organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations, Muslim American Society, and the Muslim Public Affairs Councils were also represented.
Ambassador Tony Hall, Director of the Alliance to End Hunger and Former U.S. Senator (Ret.), was the keynote speaker and he addressed the theme of the evening, 'A Caring World', in his heartfelt tribute. He spoke of his experience working with Muslims for the humanitarian cause and recalled his 22-day fast to call attention to those suffering from hunger domestically and internationally. Ambassador Hall emphasized the fact that poverty and hunger are detrimental to children and are leading to thousands of deaths around the world. He encouraged the attendees to work together to campaign for hungry and malnourished people.
Many of those who attended displayed an outpour of support for Islamic Relief USA since the event, and have had great praise for the advocacy work that the organization has been spearheading.
The Public Affairs function of Islamic Relief USA was established in January 2007 to create a circle of allies – with like-minded NGOs, diverse faith-based organizations, embassies, and most importantly with the US government. The opportunities that have been the fruit of these efforts have given IR USA increased visibility in the public sphere.
The Ramadan Action Guide: Advocacy Resource on Hunger and Poverty, co-published by Islamic Relief USA, The Alliance to End Hunger, and ONE was featured at the iftar. If you would like to receive a copy in the mail, please email VAEvents@islamicreliefusa.org.