Islamic Relief USA is partnering with the 2010 Census to raise awareness and encourage everybody to make sure they are counted.
Information gathered by the Census is used to determine the amount of funding that your state, your city, and your ethnic community receive from the federal government. The statistics also help set the number of seats your state occupies in the U.S. House of Representatives, which affects your voice in Washington.
Organizations like Islamic Relief can use Census data to advocate for causes, promote communal wellbeing, help prevent disease, research markets, and much more. In fact, the information the Census collects helps determinte more than $400 billion worth of federal funding to be spent on services like:
- Hospitals
- Job training centers
- Schools
- Senior centers
- Bridges, tunnels and other public-works projects
- Emergency services
Census officials are also reminding you that your privacy is protected by law. The Census is not allowed to share share your information with any other government entity for 72 years.
It only takes ten minutes to fill out the Census, but those ten minutes can affect the future of your community for years to come. Learn more at 2010census.gov.