USA staff member, Anwar Ahmed Khan, has arrived in Pakistan to assess the IDP situation left from the recent conflict in NWFP.
Wednesday, August 5
I traveled today from Lahore to Islamabad. It is hot and humid. There are electricity blackouts every other hour in Lahore and every few hours in Islamabad, the capital. It becomes difficult in temperatures over 100 F; remember, these are the better off areas.
I received the security clearance today to travel to Mardan. It is 1.5 hours away, but many cars have been attacked in the last few months. IRUSA sent a delegation a few weeks ago that was unable to visit our Mercy Centers.
The purpose of my trip is to assess our work in NWFP and what we in the U.S. can do to assist those in need. As the fighting subsides, some of the displaced people are returning home and on this trip we are hoping to assess what is the best way to help them.
We have been told to wear local tunics, shalwar kameez and not wear any IR logos until we arrive in our centers. Some of our staff have received death threats.
I met the head of programs last night. He has not slept for 2 days, writing grant requests for the UN and others. He is very passionate about the week and wishes we could do more. They need more cash and experienced local staff.
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