Has your summer been busy? For the volunteers at Islamic Relief USA, it’s been a constant buzz of activity. With helping out at the Islamic Society of North America’s annual convention, working in our Washington, D.C.-headquarters, and preparing for Ramadan, IR USA volunteers continue to work hard for the campaigns and relief efforts of this organization.
We began July with helping to get more than 100 orphans sponsored at the annual ISNA convention in Chicago. Volunteers joined together with IR USA's National Events Coordinator, Natasha Isaac, to put together the "best booth" display at the bazaar: a first-hand look at IR USA's Children in Need projects.
And throughout the summer there has been an increase in the number of volunteers at Islamic Relief USA's headquarters. Volunteers have been assisting with community fundraising, public affairs, finance, and constituent relations management department.
Ramadan's Gift
As we head into August, we are all aware that Ramadan, the blessed Islamic month, is around the corner. Muslims around the globe are preparing for a month of fasting, prayers, and charity. One of the blessings of the month is that good deeds done will be rewarded manifold. I am eager for Ramadan to start and to increase our volunteer efforts in this month, inshallah, for the sake of Allah.
Muslims believe that charity, or sadaqa, is what is given voluntarily for the sake of Allah to obtain the spiritual recompense from Allah. This charity is not just monetary. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"Every day the sun rises, charity (sadaqa) is due on every joint of a person. Administering justice between two people is a charity; and assisting a man to mount his beast, or helping him load his luggage on it is a charity; and a good word is a charity; and every step that you take (towards a masjid) for salat (prayer) is a charity; and removing harmful things from the road is a charity. (From Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)”I spent last weekend in the Midwest speaking about the importance of volunteering and how volunteering itself is a charity. Islamic Relief USA volunteers will be helping at two big projects: a worldwide orphan sponsorship drive ("Drive to Save Lives") and a local school supply drive ("Be Cool for School"). Volunteers will also be assisting the Midwest region with masjid (mosque) bookings, spreading awareness, and crucial office support during the busiest season of the year!
Make Ramadan 2010 spectacular. Give the gift of time, and volunteer today!
Your National Volunteer Coordinator,
Nazia Hossain