In the Holy Month of Ramadan, 1.2 billion Muslims all over the world anticipate the sunrise, so they can feed their bodies and prepare for a day of fast: a day marked by patience, prayer, sacrifice, and hunger. To me these days of fasting are a physical and spiritual reminder of the billion that suffer the indignity of hunger, deprivation and malnutrition.
Day-in and day-out, sunrise to sunset, more than 1 billion people in our world face hunger. While it takes 19 cents to feed a hungry child, every five seconds a child dies of hunger. In the richest country in the world, nearly 50 million of our neighbors – 17 million children – struggle to put food on the table during the month. This is our reality, but if we act, it does not have to be.
To me, one of the most powerful lessons of Ramadan is that we must always strive to make our world a caring world. The only way to make our efforts count is to work together as people of all faiths and communities.
That is way I am thrilled the Alliance to End Hunger has teamed up with ONE and Islamic Relief USA for the second straight year to publish the Ramadan Action Guide: a resource to help Muslim communities to share with others, through concrete action, Ramadan’s lessons of solidarity with those who are poor. The guide contains many steps you can take in your community to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.
READ, REFLECT, and ACT. The power to end hunger is in our hands.
--Ambassador Tony Hall, Managing Director of the Alliance to End Hunger and Member of Congress (D-OH), Retired
Day-in and day-out, sunrise to sunset, more than 1 billion people in our world face hunger. While it takes 19 cents to feed a hungry child, every five seconds a child dies of hunger. In the richest country in the world, nearly 50 million of our neighbors – 17 million children – struggle to put food on the table during the month. This is our reality, but if we act, it does not have to be.
To me, one of the most powerful lessons of Ramadan is that we must always strive to make our world a caring world. The only way to make our efforts count is to work together as people of all faiths and communities.
That is way I am thrilled the Alliance to End Hunger has teamed up with ONE and Islamic Relief USA for the second straight year to publish the Ramadan Action Guide: a resource to help Muslim communities to share with others, through concrete action, Ramadan’s lessons of solidarity with those who are poor. The guide contains many steps you can take in your community to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.
READ, REFLECT, and ACT. The power to end hunger is in our hands.
--Ambassador Tony Hall, Managing Director of the Alliance to End Hunger and Member of Congress (D-OH), Retired